Beerwah Dental

Holidays are meant to be relaxing, but all too often they end up being stressful. There are some simple things you can do to keep stress to a minimum.

  • Holidays are meant to be fun not some sort of endurance test. If you have fears or phobias, such as a fear of heights, make sure others are aware and plan trips accordingly.
  • Having a few activities planned in advance is great, but it’s also nice to go with the flow. Too much organisation can ruin the mood.
  • Your holiday is an excellent opportunity to catch up on your sleep so make the most of it and if you want, have a nap during the day.
  • Relaxing in the sun can make you feel fantastic, but don’t overdo it and wear plenty of sunscreen even when in the shade.
  • Take a break from social media and limit any updates to once-a-day.
  • Make the most of nature and even if you’re a city, explore local parks and gardens.