A tooth cavity is a very common problem and is caused by mouth bacteria that produce acid, gradually eroding tooth enamel and eventually creating a hole or cavity. Your risk of a cavity is higher if you eat lots of sugary foods and fail to clean your teeth thoroughly and frequently.
Symptoms of a tooth cavity include toothache or pain when you bite down, and tooth sensitivity, especially when eating or drinking something sweet, sour or hot and cold. It may be possible to see a visible hole in the tooth, or the tooth surface may be stained brown or black. Without prompt treatment, a cavity will get progressively larger and can cause a severe infection.
In the early stages, a cavity may cause very few, if any symptoms, which is why regular checkups are so important. When you see a dentist regularly, we can detect the first signs of a cavity and can mend the tooth more easily with a filling. Otherwise, if the cavity worsens and reaches the innermost part of the tooth called the dental pulp, it can infect the tooth nerve. If the nerve is infected, you will most likely need root canal therapy to remove the infection and to save the tooth.
If you notice tooth pain or sensitivity, please come and see us so we can diagnose and treat the problem more quickly.