When you think about it, your mouth is truly amazing, and it works hard for you every day helping you to chew your food thoroughly, so you remain well-nourished, and allowing you to speak and laugh with others. You probably take your oral health for granted, but World Oral Health Day is an opportunity for everyone to pause for a moment and to think about their dental health.
World Oral Health Day is celebrated each March, and for us, it’s a time when we hope to inspire our patients and to encourage them to keep their mouth healthy with regular dental check-ups and by maintaining a great oral care routine at home. When you look after your mouth, it protects your overall health, making it easier for your body to resist harmful diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and dementia.
If you are due for a checkup and clean, we’d love to see you this month so we can help you achieve and maintain your best and healthiest smile.