Thank you to our wonderful & supportive patients – we can see new patients now!

We are not out of the woods, but the trees are beginning to thin.


The masks are off, vaccination rates are high, which has been boosted further through the natural immunity many of us are now enjoying having caught the Omicron strain of Covid. So, you would have to think we are now emerging from the pandemic and back to more normality.


Here at Beerwah Dental, we want to say a massive ‘Thank You’ as you have all been so patient with us when we have had to go into lock-down or rearrange your appointment for numerous reasons. However, we do feel that we have turned a corner and we want to assure you that we will be doing our very best to make sure all your future appointments are met with ease and also let you know that we are taking on new patients once more. So, if you have family members or friends who have not ventured out for a while and are overdue for a dental examination or a nice clean, then we would be delighted to look after their oral health needs.


We also want to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to the SES for helping our local community through the recent floods and their ongoing support during times of crisis. So, for every new patient that we see in April we will be donating $20 to the SES.

Mar, 26, 2022
